Pokeclicker Pikablu (2025)

1. Pikachu - Pokémon - PokéClicker Wiki

  • Pikachu ; Base Attack, 43 ; Egg Steps, 400 ; Experience, 112 ; Catch Rate, 51% ...

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

2. Pikablu | PokéGods Wiki - Fandom

  • Pikablu was an insanely popular and well-known Pokegod that circulated the internet before the release of the short 'Pikachu's Summer Vacation', where it was ...

  • Pikablu was an insanely popular and well-known Pokegod that circulated the internet before the release of the short 'Pikachu's Summer Vacation', where it was revealed that Pikablu, (Marill) was just a normal pokemon. Pikablu, also known by the names Pikablue, Ketoblu, blue Mouse and Metablue, is commonly known as the second-most popular PokéGod. It was commonly passed off as an Electric- and Water-type evolution of Pikachu or Raichu, depending on the source. Pikablu soon became a separate Pokémo

3. PokéClicker Wiki

4. How to get pikablu. - Generation 4 - Project Pokemon Forums

  • 7 apr 2009 · Several of them required surfing from the SS Anne to a small island that had a random truck on it and bring any number of pokemon combinations ...

  • First,use strength on the truck...

5. Blue 5 - Temporary Battles - PokéClicker Wiki

  • Bevat niet: pikablu | Resultaten tonen met:pikablu

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

6. How to get Pikablu - Angelfire

7. PokéClicker

  • Bevat niet: pikablu | Resultaten tonen met:pikablu

  • General

8. Pikablu – PokéWiki

  • Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 9. Mai 2013 um 23:52 Uhr bearbeitet. Der Inhalt ist verfügbar unter der Lizenz Creative Commons „Namensnennung, ...

  • Weiterleitung nach:

9. Pokeclicker quest list and help. - Alucare.fr

  • 29 mei 2022 · Tutorial quests, how to advance in pokéclicker. · Beginning of the tutorial, defeat 10 pokemon on route 2. · Buy 10 pokeballs in Virdian Town.

  • Pokeclicker quest list and help. We've put together a comprehensive guide to help you get started with Pokeclicker. Click here to download

10. Pikablu - Gaming Urban Legends Wiki - Fandom

  • Bevat niet: pokeclicker | Resultaten tonen met:pokeclicker

  • The "Pikablu" legend is an urban legend revolving around the 1999 role-playing games Pokémon Gold and Silver. Shortly before the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver, several new Pokémon began to be shown in promotional materials, including a short film that premiered with the release of Pokémon: The First Movie. One of these Pokémon was Marill, a Water-type (later retconned to Water/Fairy-type) Pokémon that slightly resembled series mascot Pikachu. Due to its English name not having been released

11. Events - PokéClicker Wiki

  • Bevat niet: pikablu | Resultaten tonen met:pikablu

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

12. Pokeclicker: Exclusive creatures to obtain through events! - Gettotext.com

  • 6 jun 2022 · If you've been playing Pokéclicker for a few years now, then you know for a fact that many in-game events take place every month.

  • If you've been playing Pokéclicker for a few years now, then you know for a fact that many in-game events take place every month. On the other hand, if you

Pokeclicker Pikablu (2025)


Where to find Pikablu in Pokeclicker? ›

Use the PokeFinder in the water next to the Unknown Dungeon. It should reveal a Poké Ball that talks about a mysterious Pokémon located near Cinnabar Island. Surf around the right side of Cinnabar Island until you encounter Pikablu.

How do you get Pokeballs in Pokeclicker? ›

Note that some balls can only be obtained by trading Berries with the Johto Berry Master. The types of Berries demanded in exchange vary from day to day. Also, every ball can be gotten as Dungeon loot, except Masterball and Beastball.

Where is the farm in Pokeclicker? ›

Before completing Kanto, the Farm can be accessed by clicking on its location on the map between Routes 14 and Route 15. Upon reaching Johto, it becomes available in the Shortcuts dropdown modal.

Where is the distortion world in Pokeclicker? ›

East of Route 214. Distortion World is a dungeon in Sinnoh. It initially has 64 tiles arranged in an 8x8 square, including 8 chest tiles, 19 non-boss encounter tiles, and 1 boss encounter tile.

What is the Pokémon that is pink and like a balloon? ›

Known as the Balloon Pokémon, Jigglypuff evolves from Igglybuff when it reaches a certain point of happiness, and evolves into Wigglytuff when exposed to a Moon Stone. Its English name is a combination of the words "jiggly" and "puff", intended to relate to its jelly-like appearance.

What is the best breeding efficiency Pokémon in Pokeclicker? ›

While the Pokémon with the highest Breeding Efficiency overall is Gyarados, when accounting for the 30% damage debuff for a Kanto Pokémon in the Hoenn region it is merely the 11th most efficient Pokémon to breed.

How do you get Pokeballs fast? ›

How to Get Free Poke Balls
  1. Spinning Photodisks. ...
  2. Purchasing from the Store. ...
  3. Open Gifts. ...
  4. Daily Free Box. ...
  5. Field/Special Research Tasks. ...
  6. Daily Adventure Incense.
Jan 13, 2023

What is the magic ball in Pokeclicker? ›

When equipped, the Magic Ball gives a bonus to the players Pokémon catch rate.

Do autoclickers work on pokeclickers? ›

The main Auto Clicker button can be found under your currencies. Clicking it toggles the Auto Clicker on/off without the need of a refresh.

What is the red currency in Pokeclicker? ›

Battle Points are the red currency earned from the Battle Frontier that are currently used to buy items from the Battle Frontier Shop, a Furfrou from Parfum Palace in Kalos, and the Fire Memory Disc from Captain Kiawe in the Wela Volcano Park.

How to get blue shard in pokeclicker? ›

The main source of Blue Shards is the oceanic routes (124-128). They're generally off the beaten path, and you may need Dive to reach them. Don't forget to scour the sea floor too.

Where are the Shinies in Pokeclicker? ›

Shiny Pokémon can be obtained in a number of different ways, each with their own odds. As of version 0.9. 3, the only ways to augment the chances of encountering shinies are to equip the Shiny Charm, using the White Flute, or growing Starf Berries in the Farm (at full ripeness, each Starf berry gives a ×1.015 boost).

How does the Pokerus work in Pokeclicker? ›

Pokérus is a beneficial virus to any Pokémon that catches it. Once a Pokémon is infected by the Pokérus, it may gain Effort Values (EVs), which multiplicatively increase the attack of that Pokémon via the EV Damage Multiplier.

Is it possible to catch Giratina in Distortion World? ›

Giratina can be found at the end of the distortion world. Lower its health and put it to sleep. Your chance of successfully catching a Pokémon rises once it has been weakened. Putting it to sleep (such as with moves like with Hypnosis or Spore) raises this chance even further.

Where is Aipom? ›

Aipom can be found kind of all over the place in Kitakami. It is in grassy and mountainous areas all along the west, southwest, southeast, and northeast Kitakami. You can sometimes find them in trees as well. Once you have one, your next goal is to get it to learn the move Double Hit.

What is the shiny charm in Pokeclicker? ›

When equipped, the Shiny Charm increases the probability of encountering a shiny Pokémon (this includes in the wild, in dungeons, in gyms, hatching eggs, etc.).

How to find Poke doll? ›

Prior to Generation IV, Poké Dolls could only be bought from shops. In the Generation I games, the player can trade a Poké Doll to the Copycat in Saffron City for TM31 (Mimic).

Where do you get gems in Pokeclicker? ›

Wild Pokémon on routes give 1 Gem per type, dungeon encounters (both wild Pokémon and trainers) give 3, gym Pokémon give 5, and dungeon bosses (only Pokémon, not trainer bosses) give 20. Battle Frontier Pokémon give gems which number increases as the player progresses further (every 80 stages the number goes up by 1).

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.