Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (2024)

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Main Characters

The Little Einsteins in general

Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (1)

From left to right: June, Quincy, Annie and Leo.

A quartet of musically gifted children who travel around the world with Rocket, helping whoever they meet on their adventures.

  • All-Loving Hero: Each of them are incredibly friendly and welcoming to whoever they meet, and will always show willingness to help them no matter who they are (though they are still able to recognise when someone isn't trustworthy). Notably, when Big Jet apologises to them for stealing their stuff at the end of "Show and Tell", they forgive him without any second thought, in spite of all he's done to them up until now.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Annie is the blonde, Quincy and June are the brunettes, and Leo is the redhead.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • Leo:
      • "We've got a mission!", which is said after the team take it upon themselves to sort out the episode's problem and ask the viewer if they'll help them. After he announces the mission and summarises what has to be done on it, he will usually say "To Rocket!" (mostly in Season 1) or "Let ... the mission ... begin!" (starting in Season 2).
      • "Welcome aboard!", said when the viewer is "brought" on board Rocket.
      • "Mission completion!" (or "Mission completed!" in the UK dub), said at the end of each episode after the episode's problem has been dealt with, and before the Curtain Call sequence begins.
      • "See you on the next mission!", said when he and the others bid goodbye to the audience at the end of the Curtain Call.
    • June:
      • "Dancey dancey dance!", which she sometimes sings while dancing (typically heard when her Leitmotif plays in the background).
      • "I have a plan!", said whenever she gets an idea for how to get out of a problem the team is in.
      • "We need a plan!" or "We need to make a plan!", said in moments when a tricky situation is harder to get out of than it initially seemed.
    • Quincy:
      • "I cannot believe it!", said when he expresses shock or amazement.
      • "This is awesome!" or any sentence which contains "awesome", which he says whenever he likes the look or sound of something or praises his teammates or the audience for doing something well.
    • Annie:
      • "Look, look, look!", said when she wants to point out a notable observation.
      • "Hold on tight, 'cause here we gooooooooooo!", which she says whenever Rocket blasts off.
      • "Hi, hi, hi!", which she sings to others as a greeting, starting in Season 2.
  • Child Prodigy: They're not called the Little Einsteins for nothing. Whether it be Leo's conducting, June's dancing, Quincy's ability to play various instruments, or Annie's singing, they all display skill and talent in what they love doing which is very considerable for their ages.
  • The Cutie: They're all amiable, innocent, and good inside out, if their charming and/or adorable physical dispositions aren't evidence enough.
  • Fake Interactivity: Inevitable, as this was a staple of preschool shows from that era. They address the audience multiple times throughout each episode and will at various points encourage them to do physical movements of various kinds to help them accomplish a particular aspect of their mission.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: All of them have four fingers on each hand.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble:
    • Leo (choleric) is the confident, charge-taking leader of the Little Einsteins.
    • June (phlegmatic) is the calmest and most patient member of the group.
    • Quincy (melancholic) is sometimes prone to getting anxious or worked up in tense situations, but is nonetheless dedicated to completing missions, and very loyal to his friends.
    • Annie (sanguine) is cheerful, optimistic, and The Heart of the team.
    • Rocket (eclectic) has a balanced temperament and bounces off the personalities of the others.
    • It can depend on the situation, but on other occasions, June leans more into melancholic territory (knowledgeable and sometimes has to convince her friends to think before acting) while Quincy takes up the phlegmatic mantle (can be quite easygoing when not on missions and is fond of making his friends laugh). Leo and Annie are quite firmly the choleric and sanguine members in all cases, though.
  • Gender-Equal Ensemble: The four Little Einsteins are two boys named Leo and Quincy and two girls named June and Annie.
  • Invisible Parents: Probably the most extreme example in almost all of children's programming. The Little Einsteins seem to live by themselves, with no mention whatsoever of parents (or maybe their parents could've been just minding their own business though). Or any other humans, for that matter.
  • Leitmotif: "We've got a mission" fanfare.
  • Musical Theme Naming: Each of the team is named after someone famous in music business:
    • Leo: Conductor Leopold Stokowski
    • June: Choreographer June Taylor
    • Quincy: Musician Quincy Jones
    • Annie: Jazz singer Annie Ross
  • Nice Guy: They are all shown to be very kind and helpful.
  • Odd Name Out:
    • June is the only one in the group to have a one-syllable name.
    • Leo is the only kid in the group that is Only Known by Their Nickname (according to the old website, his full name is Leonardo).
    • Annie is the only one whose name begins with a vowel.
    • Quincy is the only one whose name doesn't have the letter "E" (case in point; Leo, June, Annie).
  • Only One Name: None of them have any surnames.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni:
    • Leo and Annie are the Red Onis; Leo is headstrong, determined and full of charisma, while Annie is exuberant, outgoing and the most consistently cheery of the group.
    • June and Quincy are the Blue Onis; June is reserved, graceful and generally cool-headed under pressure, while Quincy is easygoing, affable and good-humoured, if a bit worry-prone when things get dire.
  • So Proud of You: They often compliment one another if at least one member does something worthy of great praise. Of all the heroic exploits each member had done, two stand out:
    • In "Annie's Solo Mission", Annie pilots Rocket all by herself to save Quincy, June and Leo from the Super Bubble carrying them away. Once the deed is done and the trapped kids are reclaimed and saved, everyone praises her, with Leo sharing a hug with her.

      Quincy: I can-not believe... you flew Rocket all by yourself!
      June: That was some of the best flying I've ever seen!
      Leo: I knew you were ready to pilot Rocket by yourself. [he and Annie hug] I'm so proud of you.

    • In "Quincy and the Magic Instruments", Quincy manages to travel to his friends who are stuck floating on the Arabian Sea and free Rocket's anchor with aid from the titular magic instruments he found in his room earlier. A grateful Leo lets him have his baton and declare "Mission Completion!" for his heroism.
  • Technicolor Eyes: It's hard to see, but their scleras are somewhat of a silvery color.
  • Token Human: As mentioned above, they are the only humans ever seen in the series.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: None of them seem fond of spiders or bats.


Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (2)

"Hi. I'm Leo. I like to conduct."

Voiced By: Jesse Schwartz (US, speaking), Harrison Chad (US, singing), Piers Stubbs (UK, speaking, season 1), Daniel Culleton (UK, speaking, season 2)

A six-year-old boy, and the leader and conductor of the team.

  • All There in the Manual: According to the now-defunct website, his full name is Leonardo.
  • Big Brother Instinct: On some occasions, he will express concern for Annie's safety, particularly if there's a potentially dangerous animal about (e.g. the forest animals in "I Love to Conduct", the snake in "The Birthday Balloons", or the snowy owl in "The Northern Night Light"). His worries thankfully don't last for too long in most cases, due to either Annie reassuring him she can take care of herself or said animals turning out to be not as threatening as they initially seemed.
  • Brother–Sister Team: In "Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue", he and Annie team up to save Hansel and Gretel from the clutches of the witch. Due to Rocket being too big to fit through the trees, Leo initially intends to go and do it alone, but before he can do so, Annie insists on going with him because, as she puts it, "Brothers and sisters take care of each other!". At the end of the episode, Leo even lets Annie say "Mission completion!" with him to honor their teamwork in the rescue.
  • Captain Crash: He seems to crash Rocket quite a lot. To be fair, he is only six, and Rocket crashed himself once.
  • Companion Cube: His baton, and Melody the Music Pet in Season 2.
  • Cool Big Bro: He's a very kind and supportive brother to Annie, helping her get the hang of things she finds difficult, and comforting and encouraging her whenever she's feeling sad or scared.
  • Disembodied Eyebrows: His eyebrows (one at least) are visible even when viewed mostly from the back. The one farthest from the camera is floating partially off his head, and in the baby pictures seen in "How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story" they're floating several inches above his head.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: Downplayed, but in Our Huge Adventure and a few Season 1 episodes, Leo's hair had eleven spikes instead of his usual six. According to an animator who worked on the show, Frank SummersLittle Einsteins - TV Tropes (3), the reason they simplified the spikes was due to the fact his original hair spikes were blurry and couldn't be seen properly on TV (the show was shot in SD). However, it is worth noting that in certain headturns, one can still see old remains of the original hair.
  • Eye Glasses: He is never seen without his glasses on, resulting in the outlines of his eyes never being shown while open. Unlike many other examples, though, the glasses don't change shape depending on what facial expression he makes, and his feelings are quite clearly defined by the activity of his eyebrows.
  • The Leader: He is the one who takes charge of each mission, and the one who pilots Rocket (justified, since Rocket was originally a part of his baby mobile). As a leader, he falls into the Headstrong and Charismatic categories — he will always show great determination and dedication to completing whatever mission is at hand, and he easily draws others in with his outgoing and confident personality.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: His name is short for Leonardo, according to the original website, but he is only ever referred to as Leo by his friends.
  • Redhead In Green: Downplayed. He wears green glasses, but the colour scheme of his clothing is mainly orange and black.
  • Significant Green-Eyed Redhead: He has green eyes and red hair and he's the team's leader.
  • Tempting Fate: If he warns anyone to be careful for any reason, it's best to listen, because something will happen...


Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (4)

"I'm June! I love to dance."

Voiced By: Erica Huang (US), Poppy Lee Friar (UK)

A six-year-old girl and natural-born dancer; she often dances ballet, and can teach new words.

  • Boyish Short Hair: Inverted. She has short, somewhat spiky dark brown hair as her hairstyle but she isn't exactly tomboyish. She's an elegant and graceful ballet dancer.
  • Brainy Brunette: She has dark brown hair, and is shown to be the most "book smart" member of the group; she's very prone to Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness and is often the one to answer questions or bring up obscure facts.
  • Character Tic: She always prances across the ground when running, alluding to her ballet nature.
  • Cool Teacher: She is shown to be an incredibly helpful, supportive and encouraging teacher to Baby Booby Bird, as well as the other birds in her Bird Ballet troupe, in "The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet". At the beginning of the episode, after praising the other booby birds for earning their various stickers through the practice they've been doing, Baby Booby Bird expresses disappointment over not having earned any stickers, and she comforts him, telling him he'll earn plenty of them if he keeps practising. Throughout the journey to get him to the ballet show after he gets separated from his peers, she consistently compliments him for getting the hang of the moves she taught him, and at the end, when he gets asked by the other booby birds to lead the performance, he gives her a hug to thank her for all the help she's given him.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Downplayed. She has dark brown hair and slightly lighter brown eyes.
  • Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: In every curtain call in Season 2, she curtsies after Quincy bows.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: June is definitely not a tomboy, but despite her girly appearance and her love of dancing, she can be very energetic in comparison to Annie.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her signature outfit is a purple dress reminiscent of a tutu.
  • In a Single Bound: Her Super Ballet Leap sees her leap to a high height and land on her feet unharmed.
  • The Lancer: She and Leo are the two oldest members of the group (both being six), and they both sit in the front row whenever Rocket is being flown. While Leo has a strong-willed, confident personality and is great at leading the team into action, June is calmer and more level-headed, and is the one who gets the others to think before carrying anything out.
  • Leitmotif: She is often accompanied by a graceful flute melody whenever she dances.
  • Plucky Girl: Whenever she sees a way to get the team past a particular problem, she will always make sure it works, not backing down or letting the nature of the problem initimidate her too much.
  • The Smart Girl: Having the knowledge and sensibility of someone well past her age and tending to use longer and more complex words than the rest of the team, she often gets her friends to make sure they know what to do before tackling a problem, and frequently provides them with answers to any general-knowledge-based questions they might have.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Quite often, she puts long, complicated words in her dialogue which her friends may not understand easily, but thankfully, it's not to the extent that the audience can't.
  • Team Mom: June is the oldest of the group along with Leo, and is the most thoughtful and consistently sensible of the four. She's very supportive and caring towards her friends and is always willing to teach them new things about the world around them, whether it be words or nature, while also making sure they keep on the right track. This aspect of her character particularly comes out in her warm and gentle interactions with the guest characters, whether it be going out of her way to be as welcoming as possible to the scared Ring after he lands in her garden in "Ring Around the Planet", or reassuring the acrophobic Little Dragon Kite that she and the others will be with her all the way and checking on her to see if she's okay in "Dragon Kite".
  • Token Minority: She's Asian-American (believed to be of Chinese descent by fans).
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Is by far the most mature of the gang for her age, often being the one to answer the questions.


Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (5)

"I'm Annie. I love to sing!"

Voiced By: Natalia Wojcik (US), Elle McHugh (UK, season 1), Kirsty Hickey (UK, season 2)

Leo's four-year-old sister and a wonderful singer. She was the one that started the Little Einsteins after finding Leo's baby mobile and helping call Rocket.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of the clique at four years old.
  • Brother–Sister Team: In "Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue", Annie volunteers to come with Leo when he goes out to rescue Hansel and Gretel, her reasoning being "brothers and sisters take care of each other".
  • Character Development: At some points in Season 1, Annie's singing was not the best, mostly singing using "la la la". But by Season 2, she's matured to the point where she doesn't use la's anymore and all her songs have full lyrics.
  • Cheerful Child: She's an adorable four-year-old girl with a sweet, happy, and bubbly disposition and an optimistic view on everything.
  • Costume Evolution: In Season 1, her shirt, dress and shoes are green, blue and pink respectively. By the time Season 2 begins, they have become pale blue, pink and cyan.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She gets the spotlight in "Annie's Solo Mission" when the other kids get trapped in a super bubble and Annie must fly Rocket all by herself in order to save them.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She befriends animals the most easily out of everyone in the group; even when the others suspect certain animals are dangerous, she's still willing to give them a chance.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She sports a pair of short ones.
  • Girliness Upgrade: Switches from a green shirt, blue dress and pink shoes to a pastel-blue shirt, pink dress and cyan shoes in season 2, to appear more feminine toward the target audience (and likely to avoid having the colour scheme of her clothing be too similar to that of Quincy's).
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blonde hair, and is arguably the nicest of the team.
  • The Heart: Annie is the most sweet-natured of the Little Einsteins, generally being quick to befriend anyone she meets and acting as a source of optimism for the team when the chips are down. This is particularly evident in the pilot film, Our Huge Adventure, where she's the first one to directly interact with and befriend Little Caterpillar, and is consistently shown to be the most openly supportive of him throughout the journey to get him to the Musical Tree of Many Colors, in addition to being the one who saves him from falling off the trumpet and into the waves of the Orchestra Ocean and drowning. She continues to be this way well after he becomes Butterfly, standing up for him after he gets teased for not getting his party invitation by the other butterflies, encouraging him to sing his signature song to the butterfly world leaders to stop the argument they're having, and being determined to go after him when he flies into the Oklahoma cave. At the end, Butterfly kisses her on the nose as a way of thanking her for sticking by his side the whole way.
  • Iconic Item: Season 2 gives us her microphone, which she wins at the Amazon Theatre song contest in "Annie, Get Your Microphone".
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: She has blue eyes, is the sweetest of the group, and also The Baby of the Bunch to boot.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Her pigtails are held together by two pink, butterfly-shaped bows. In Season 1, her shoes are also the aforementioned colour, and in Season 2, she starts wearing a pink dress instead of the blue one she'd been wearing previously.
  • Selfless Wish: In "The Christmas Wish", her wish was to spend Christmas with all her friends, when she already was with them.
  • With Lyrics: She usually adds lyrics to the classical music piece of the day.
  • Voice for the Voiceless: To Baby Chimp in "He Speaks Music!"; she is the only one of the team who can understand his music language, and translates for him whenever the others ask what he's trying to say.


Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (6)

"I'm Quincy. I love instruments. And here's my trumpet." (plays tune on trumpet)

Voiced By: Aiden Pompey (US), Mitchell Zhangazha (UK)

A five-year-old master of musical instruments.

  • Curtains Match the Windows: He has brown hair and brown eyes.
  • A Day in the Limelight: In "Quincy and the Magic Instruments" when he has to rescue his friends when Rocket is marooned on the Arabian Sea.
  • Hammerspace: He practically makes it an art form, drawing instruments as big as a tuba from behind him.
  • Never Bareheaded: Generally is never seen without his a red and blue baseball cap. In fact, the rest of the team are wearing the same outfit in all episodes.
  • Primal Fear: He's afraid of the dark. Our Huge Adventure shows him feeling unnerved when the team enters a dark cave. "The Northern Night Light" also sees him panicking when nighttime arrives in Lapland.
  • Token Black: The only guy with the darkest skin color among the team as an African-American.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: As stated in Primal Fear, he is scared of the dark. Best indicated in "The Northern Night Light", where he tries to stifle his fear to help the team escort a baby reindeer back to his mother despite nighttime rapidly approaching. However, nighttime finally arrives and he panics over the subsequent darkness.

    Quincy: Um, Leo? Remember how I said before that I was... afraid of the dark...?
    Leo: Yeah?
    Quincy: Well... [panics] I'M SCAAAARED!


Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (7)

Leo: "There's someone else on our team we want you to meet."
All: "Rocket!"
Rocket: (makes a marimba sound as if to say "Hello!")

A sentient rocket ship and the Little Einsteins' good friend who originated as part of Leo's baby mobile. He is the one responsible for providing transportation for the team for their missions.

  • A Dog Named "Dog": A rocket named Rocket.
  • All There in the Manual: It is revealed that he used to be a toy Rocket on Leo's baby mobile. But, as time went on, he got bigger and flew off.
  • Big Eater: He swigs down an entire pot of Rocket Soup in the appropriately named episode, "Rocket Soup". Justified as he is a rocket ship who needs lots of energy to run after all.
  • Defeating the Cheating Opponent: Right before the second Great Sky Race in "The Great Sky Race Rematch", Big Jet takes advantage of the Little Einsteins noticing the race is starting and smashes Rocket's flying button behind the kids' backs, and that's only the first of many attempts to sabotage their chances at winning. Regardless, the team was able to use the other buttons while Quincy repairs the one that enables Rocket's flight function and still win the race.
  • Do-Anything Robot: He can transform into various vehicles, has various gadgets, and can fly.
  • Hiccup Hijinks: He gets the rocket Hiccups in "Hungarian Hiccups". He gets cured of them when Annie encounters a mouse which had wandered near him and his team.
  • Red Is Heroic: Is a red rocket ship and is one of the heroes of the series.
  • Robot Buddy: He is a machine and a good friend to the team.
  • Sentient Vehicle: He is, of course, a sentient rocket ship, able to communicate and interact with the team. In "A Galactic Goodnight", the way his lights turn off resembles eyes closing.
  • The Speechless: He cannot talk, but can communicate using marimba sounds with his antenna. The team can understand him with no problem.
  • Undying Loyalty: He is always with the team and never leaves them. He is also the one responsible for the missions.
  • Vague Age: It is unknown how old he is, but it is implied he is six years old as he was a baby when Leo was and that Leo is six as well.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He was initially afraid of mice. The fear went away as shown in later episodes as he can be around mice and not get scared.

Other Characters

Big Jet

Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (8)

A blue fighter plane resembling a Russian MiG-29 who participated in the Great Sky Race only to lose to Rocket. Ever since then, he constantly harasses and bullies Rocket and his friends.

  • Big Bad: The most recurring main antagonist of the series. Big Jet has made it his goal to antagonize Rocket and the Little Einsteins in any way he can, from heating a volcano with a laser cannon to snatching the Little Einsteins' belongings.
  • Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: "The Great Sky Race Rematch" has him cheat many times to stop Rocket from defeating him again, beginning by smashing his flight button. Despite all those cheats, Rocket still manages to win, especially since Rocket had his other functions at the ready, making all of the fighter jet's attempts to sabotage him useless and meaningless.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: He is blue as opposed to Rocket's red.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He finally gets his in "Show and Tell", the last episode he makes an appearance in. He appears in the classroom with the team and Rocket, but to apologize to them after causing so much trouble to them. He then goes to slowly leave the classroom, sad because he has nothing to present for Show and Tell until Rocket gets two sombreros— one for himself and one for Big Jet— to show and play together in, which makes both of them happy.
  • It's Personal: Ever since he lost to Rocket in the Great Sky Race in "Hungarian Hiccups", he's always desired to get back at him and his friends in ways they will never expect.
  • Jerkass: And how. He is an arrogant, petty and mean-spirited bully who, in addition to being unable to take defeat gracefully, actively goes out of his way to make the Little Einsteins' lives, and on some occasions even the guest characters' lives, a living hell in whatever way possible, whether it be stealing things that aren't his, or giving himself unfair advantages over the others (e.g. crushing Rocket's flight button, ripping up Annie's song sheet and throwing the pieces of it out the window, messing with forces of nature to ensure he gets to something before the main characters do).
  • Kick the Dog: In "Annie, Get Your Microphone", he rips Annie's song sheet into three little pieces, laughs at her for her plight, and throws the pieces far away to stop her from winning a singing competition. The matter at hand was extremely concerning due to said competition having a few contestants and it would only be a matter of time before it's Annie's turn. Big Jet's reason for that action, which was to stop Annie from winning, is also completely petty.
  • Sentient Vehicle: Like Rocket, he is a MiG-29 fighter plane capable of communication and feelings.
  • Sore Loser: The reason why this fighter jet targets Rocket and the Little Einsteins? He narrowly lost to them in the Great Sky Race.
  • Speak of the Devil: Whenever any of the human characters mention him, he appears out of the blue to put them through the wringer.
  • The Speechless: He doesn't talk, but he can make jet engine sounds to communicate his feelings.


A baby kangaroo whom Quincy befriends. The team meets him after having seen various other animals demonstrate their talents, which they are preparing to utilise in the upcoming Animal Talent Show in the Sydney Opera House. They reckon his jumping would be great to demonstrate at the show, but he turns out to have forgotten about it, and on the day it's happening, no less, so they have to rush to get him to Sydney as soon as possible.

  • The Bus Came Back: He makes a second appearance in "Rocket Soup", where the Little Einsteins call upon him to ask for his jumping beans so they can make the titular soup for Rocket.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": A joey named Joey.

Little Red Train

A small red train and one of The Little Einsteins's friends. He once tried to deliver decorations for a party and later was among the contestants in a song contest Annie was also participating in.

  • Cool Train: He's a small 4-4-0 red locomotive based on old steam locomotives in the 1830s with an "Allegro" whistle to give him speed.
  • Continuity Cameo: "Annie, Get Your Microphone" sees him in a minor appearance as one of the contestants in the same song competition Annie is also in.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Despite his small stature, he is capable of carrying a party bag twice his size on his tender with no problem.
  • Red Is Heroic: His main color is red and he's an ally of the Little Einsteins.
  • The Speechless: Like Rocket, he can't talk but can communicate with flute sounds.


A music pet who can respond to the person conducting her. Annie and Leo become her owners after she goes on the pet train (after searching for her ticket all over France) and is sent to live at their house.

  • Damsel in Distress: Gets stuck in a hot air balloon when a very strong gust of wind blows it away while she's still on it. Annie, Leo and their team end up having to travel a long distance to track and rescue her.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: She's purple and can hop gracefully. This needs Leo conducting her, though.
  • Shout-Out: Her physical appearance bears a resemblance to Totoro, albeit with the cat-like ears getting replaced by quaver-like ones.
  • The Speechless: She can't talk, but can communicate with oboe sounds.


A ring from the planet Saturn who is a very good dancer and becomes friends with June, bonding with her over a mutual love for dancing. He accidentally comes loose from his position and ends up heading in the direction of Earth, landing in June's garden. After June meets and befriends him, she and the others take it upon themselves to return him to Saturn.

  • The Blank: He doesn't have a face, and his emotions are conveyed entirely through body language.
  • Sizeshifter: He can adjust his size to his liking, from fitting himself back on Saturn to shrinking himself to fit on June's finger.
  • The Speechless: He can't talk, but can communicate with English horn sounds.

Instrument Fairies

A quintet of fairies responsible for making the Aurora Borealis in the Arctic. When they're all stuck in a cave, the violin fairy is the only one who manages to get out, her small size allowing her to slip through the cave's keyhole and fly all the way to Quincy, motivating the musician and his friends to rescue her fellow fairies.

  • Leitmotif: They all take bits of Felix Mendelsohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor. Specifically:
    • The violin fairy constantly plays the iconic beginning melody of "Allegretto non troppo – Allegro molto vivace".
    • The other fairies trapped in the cave are heard with "Allegro molto appassionato" sounding in the background.
  • Our Pixies Are Different: These fairies are small versions of their respective musical instruments with fairy wings attached to them.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The violin fairy is the only female of the group.
  • The Speechless: They only communicate with their respective instrument sounds.

The Big Bad Wolf

A wolf who antagonizes the Three Little Pigs, true to his namesake from The Three Little Pigs. His breath is strong enough to blow away anything.

  • The Big Bad Wolf: It's all there in the name, and true to it, his first appearance in "Build It, Rocket!" feature him blowing down two of the houses the Three Little Pigs built, forcing the Little Einsteins to scramble to gather the materials needed for the third pig to build his house of bricks for everyone to hurry in.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He uses his huff and puff song to blow down the pigs' houses of straw and sticks. The pigs, aided by the team, use that same song against him to blow him away after completing the house of bricks.
  • Leitmotif:
    • In "Build It, Rocket!", his appearances are heralded by the music playing a part of "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen", specifically its build up. His huff and puff song is also based on the arpeggiated chords leading to the piece's main motif.
    • In "Rocket the Bug", a minor-key version of the main theme of the Air from Handel's Water Music Suite in F Major plays with each appearance he makes.
  • The Speechless: He can't talk, but can communicate with trombone sounds.

Little Dragon Kite

A small red dragon kite June befriends in her backyard. She intends to attend a Dragon Kite Parade at the Great Wall of China, but when all the other dragon kites go missing, she ends up having to find and rescue them. However, this means she will have to face her fear of heights.

  • Face Your Fears: All of "Dragon Kite" has her face her acrophobia by climbing a flight of stairs in the Forbidden City, and later ascending the K2 mountain to save the orange Emperor kite.
  • Ironic Fear: Despite being a kite, she starts off with a fear of heights. Over the course of the episode, she slowly learns to confront her fear, eventually gaining enough courage to fly up K2 all by herself to rescue the Emperor kite, who is stuck on a tree at the top of the mountain.
  • The Speechless: She has no way of speaking, but can communicate with bassoon sounds.
  • Took a Level in Badass: With the presence of her acrophobia at the beginning of the episode, she is reluctant to go on the mission with the Little Einsteins at first, though she still decides to connect herself to Rocket's antenna for the sake of making an attempt to be brave. For much of the journey, she cringes whenever she's a great distance above the ground, but by the time the team reaches K2, she's brave enough to not cover her eyes anymore and takes it upon herself to travel up the mountain alone to save the orange Emperor kite, who is grateful enough to let her lead the parade after the group successfully gets him to it.

The Good Knight

One of the two eponymous knights in "The Good Knight and the Bad Knight". The Little Einsteins read about him in a Bayeux tapestry story; he is said to be strong, brave and helpful to everyone in the kingdom he lives in. He gets locked in a tower by a bad knight, and the team have to rescue him.

  • The Bus Came Back: He makes a second appearance in "Rocket Soup"; the Little Einsteins visit him, and he gives them some of his peas so they can make the soup for Rocket.
  • Distressed Dude: He spends much of "The Good Knight and the Bad Knight" stuck in the tower the Bad Knight locked him in. Unlike a lot of other examples, though, he doesn't just sit there and do nothing, and plays quite an active role in helping the team get through the castle to save him.
  • The Faceless: His helmet is always shut, and as a result, we never see his face.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: The tapestry story he appears in describes him as just what a typical fairytale knight would be - courageous, strong and dedicated to helping the populace of his kingdom.
  • Nice Guy: Not only does he fit the textbook Knight in Shining Armor to a T, he's also shown to have a good sense of humor, and is very helpful when guiding the Little Einsteins on their mission to rescue him.
  • No Name Given: "The Good Knight" is all he ever gets referred to as.
  • The Voiceless: As one of the show's more humanoid guest characters, it is possible he does have the ability to speak, but, as is true of every guest character in the series, we never hear him do it; we instead hear and see him communicate with trumpet sounds and sign language.


A mythical creature responsible for spreading happiness and music to Russia, her music power letting her make everything joyous. When she gets captured by Katschai the ogre, one of her magic music feathers falls loose and is carried by the winds to Rocket, who is motivated to rescue her immediately upon receiving her feather. Only shows up in Rocket's Firebird Rescue.

  • Artifact of Hope: One of her feathers which broke loose from her wings serve as a vital object for Rocket and the Little Einsteins to make their way to save her, what with its music power being given to each member of the team with a special incantation.
  • Badass in Distress: She's capable of spreading happiness to Russia, which is why Katschai captured her in a cage.
  • Red Is Heroic: Red is among her colors and she's the one who brings joyous song and music to Russia. This makes Katschai want her locked up.
  • The Speechless: She has no way of speaking, but can communicate with French horn sounds.


A Matryoshka doll-like ogre who loathes music, especially if it came from the Firebird. Due to this hatred, he traps the Firebird in a cage, prompting Rocket to rescue her. Only shows up in Rocket's Firebird Rescue.

  • Adaptation Species Change: Katschai's counterpart in the original Firebird ballet is still a sorcerer, but while the synopsis never directly states what species he is, most productions depict him as a regular human whose soul is protected by a special egg in a casket. Here, he's a green-skinned ogre with a Matryoshka doll-like appearance.
  • Batman Gambit: The creation of the trap he sets up for the Firebird at the beginning of the special involves exploiting her benevolence to the population of Russia by creating a fake butterfly and making it look sad, knowing that cheering it up is exactly what she'll try to do.
  • Big Bad: He's the one who trapped the Firebird, kicking off the conflict of Rocket's Firebird Rescue.
  • Enemy Summoner: Spawns in a bunch of animals towards the Little Einsteins during Quincy's segment to stop them from completing their mission.
  • Green and Mean: He has green skin, and before turning to the good side at the end as a result of the Firebird using her music powers on him, is a very mean-spirited and sad*stic ogre who wants to ensure that no one in Russia is happy but him.
  • Heel–Face Turn: At the end of the special, after the Firebird is freed from the cage he locked her in, she uses her magic on him and he turns from an ogre who abhors music into one that loves it.
  • Leitmotif: Always seen with "Danse Infernale De Roi Kachtchei" (Infernal Dance of Koschei's Subjects) sounding in the background.
  • Limit Break: His last spell which he uses on Rocket to ground him is stated to be his strongest one, done by Katschai mustering all of his strength and magic for it.
  • Oh, Crap!: After Quincy plays the instruments in the Instrument Forest to get rid of some of the bats, mosquitoes, spiders and bears he conjured up, a look of shock appears on his face as he realises he's about to get chased away by the remaining ones.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Koschei dies at the end of the Firebird ballet as a result of the egg protecting his soul being destroyed. Here, Katschai still lives and undergoes a Heel–Face Turn after the Firebird uses her magic to turn him into a music-loving ogre rather than a music-hating one.

Instrument Dinosaurs

A group of dinosaurs with some body parts based on musical instruments.

  • Good All Along: The Bassasaurus Rex was initially deemed as a foul beast who plays loud music, with the Little Einsteins attempting to avoid him at all costs. When they find the baby Piccolo-dactyl and struggle to find a way to stop the volcano, he shows up and plays softly to quieten it, making everyone realize he's actually friendly.
  • Meaningful Name: They're a cross of what instrument and dinosaur they're based on, such as a Pterodactyl with a Piccolo's body being called a Piccolo-dactyl.
  • The Speechless: None of them can talk, but they can make instrument sounds based on what instrument they're based off.

Magical Instruments

A quartet of instruments Quincy found in a box in his room. They consist of a harp, a triangle, a trumpet, and a flute, and possess the ability to transform into other things. All of them help Quincy save the other three Little Einsteins and Rocket when they get stuck while sailing on the Arabian Sea.

  • Cool Train: The flute turns herself into a steam locomotive to help Quincy go farther to save his friends in less time.
  • Gender-Equal Ensemble: The flute and harp are females, and the trumpet and triangle are males.
  • Protagonist Title: They're the "magical instruments" featured in "Quincy and the Magic Instruments".
  • Running Gag: The triangle, due to his small size, ends up being the last in line to follow Quincy. Also, he has to be prompted onward by the others, or have Quincy pick him up to ride on some of the other instruments after their transformations.
  • The Runt at the End: The triangle is the smallest of the bunch and tends to need assistance in moving out or getting on board some things some of his fellow instruments transform themselves into. He is also the last instrument to be introduced and used by Quincy, but once he is used, he manages to solve the problem Leo, Annie, June, and Rocket are in.
  • The Speechless: All of them are instruments who cannot talk. They can play their respective instrument sounds as a way of communication, though.

Baby Cello

A little cello who was caught by a freak wave from a nearby river in Cremona, Italy before he hatched. The Little Einsteins end up rescuing him, while trying to help him identify and find his mother.

  • Imprinting: Due to seeing Quincy upon hatching, he thinks Quincy is his mother. Quincy clarifies he isn't.
  • Running Gag: Each time the team tells him the features of his mother, he finds something that matches what he last learnt from the team and think that is his mother.
Little Einsteins - TV Tropes (2024)
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