DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (2025)

Many restauranteurs feel confident and focusedwhen coming up with recipes and setting prices but then stumble when they reachthe time to put it together and design the actual menu. Luckily, you don’t need to be artisticallyskilled to build a beautiful looking menu thanks to the many different programsthat will do the heavy lifting for you.

How do you design a restaurant menu? The easiest way to design a great-looking menu is to use a graphic design program with built-in restaurant menu templates. If you are looking to build a menu from scratch, Adobe Spark is your best bet. To completely outsource design, Smart Menu Design will design and print your menu in under a week.

Top Pick: Must Have Menus4.7 / 5
iMenuPro4.2 / 5
Canva3.6 / 5
Adobe Spark3.4 / 5

Using a template through a graphic design program is the best option unless you are insistent on having a uniquely designed menu or have a vision in your mind of what you want to create.

My favorite software program to design menus is Must Have Menus. iMenupro and Canva are both fantastic alternatives, but in my opinion, they fall just short of Must Have Menus. All three programs are excellent resources for designing a functional and aesthetically pleasing menu, I just personally like Must Have Menus the best.

All of these programs can create an exquisite menu and share many of the same features. With that said, each has its strengths and weaknesses. Below you will find my review and more information that will help you decide which program is best for you.

Must Have Menus

Started in 2007, Must Have Menus is a website focused solely on menu management. Using this website platform, you’re able to design and print menus in addition to all sorts of other marketing materials that you might need.

Must Have Menus has a very modern, sleek, andeasy-to-understand interface. It breaks down the design into six steps. Youstart by choosing your design template, followed by your size, and then you addin all the copy (text containing menu items and descriptions). With Must HaveMenus, you add each menu item into separate boxes that then get inserted intothe draft to prevent you from losing any of the menu item information duringedits.

DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (1)

Once you have inputted all the information about individual items on your menu, you’re able to add custom graphics, customize the fonts, customize the colors, and adjust spacing. Finally, you can take advantage of my favorite feature – the ability to easily highlight select items using a custom font, colors, and graphic effects like boxes to make them stand out from the rest of the menu.

In terms of design, options Must Have Menus offers a nice variety of over 3,000 total design templates, 1,000 of which are just for menus. You’re also able to set up social sharing, easily link menus to your website, and download hi-resolution copies directly from the program. Your layout options are vast and include templates for both inhouse and carryout menus.

Another impressive part of Must Have Menus is that you can order the print copies directly from them rather than using another vendor for printing. Eliminating this step reduces the risk of error and simply saves time.

Print prices vary depending on what you need to be printed and quantity, but are comparable with most National printing services. You might be able to find a better price at a local print shop, but I recommend that you go with Must Have Menus printing to ensure quality and save you some time.

Must Have menus is not cheap. The first three months are just $12.95 per month, but after that, the price jumps to $29.95. If you choose to bill annually, the price is only $276 a year, which works out to $23 per month. The good news is that you can cancel at any time and there’s no contract. Also, your menus won’t be deleted if you cancel your account. I think that the features of Must Have Menus justify the higher price tag.

The one thing that is missing from Must Have Menus is the ability to print poster size menus that can hang on menu boards. Hopefully, this is something that gets added in the future.

Interface5 / 5
Design Options5 / 5
Learning Curve / Ease of Use4.5 / 5
Download & Print Services5 / 5
Price4 / 5
Final Rating4.7 / 5


At first look, iMenuPro does not seem user-friendly and looks outdated. After a quick minute of experimenting, it’s evident that there is so much more to this program than meets the eye, thanks to a drag and drop style builder. Similar to Must Have Menus, but unlike Adobe Spark and Canva, iMenuPro is designed with menu design as the primary function rather than being an afterthought add on.

The layout is different than most of the othermenu builders. Rather than an interface similar to those of graphic designsoftware, iMenuPro reminds me more of writing or scripting software thanks toits ability to add menu items, descriptions, and prices one at a time beforecoming up with a layout. Since each menuitem exists in its own box, it’s simple to move things around with ease.

One of the unique features of iMenuPro is the ability to sync your menu from their website to yours without posting it as a downloadable PDF. This is done through embedding a small snippet of code, which is (I promise) far easier than it sounds. This sync also works with your social media accounts which is convenient as a time saver.

DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (2)

iMenuPro does not stop at simple menus. You are also able to create menu posters,folded takeout menus, and many more types of marketing materials featuring yourmenu. You can even go high tech designdigital menu boards to display on television monitors.

iMenu pro features over 3,500 designs and graphics, giving you a seemingly endless supply of options. If that were not enough, you are also able to upload custom pictures or logos. Thanks to the drag and drop layout along with a feature called “Magic Fit,” making your menu and graphics fit appropriately is easy. After completing your menu, you can even easily experiment with different color combinations thanks to their color filters.

From a pricing standpoint, iMenuPro is goingto be challenging to beat. It iscurrently priced at $15 a monthly for a subscription that drops to $9.75 amonth if you pay annually. If you planto make a few updates per year, that price is fantastic. If you are building a “one and done” stylemenu, you have a full month to complete it for $15 as there are no cancelationfees or long term contracts.

The only drawback to iMenuPro is the lack ofincorporating print options. To printyour menu and marketing materials, you are going to have to either own aquality printer or send it to a local print shop. While this creates an extra step, it does notstop iMenuPro from being awesome.

With an easy to use interface well suited for amateurs or the artistically challenged (like me) in addition to the numerous design and sync features mentioned above, iMenuPro is my top pick for designing a standard menu.

Interface4 / 5
Design Options4 / 5
Learning Curve / Ease of Use5 / 5
Download & Print Services3 / 5
Price5 / 5
Final Rating4.2 / 5


Canva is my go-to website for pictures and building graphics. Unfortunately, when it comes to menu design, they just don’t compare quite as well to the competition.

Looking through their templates, I felt they looked generic and tried to make up for it with extra color. While none of the menus were ugly, I just didn’t find any that looked modern. While there are some usable templates, I found very few that had the professional, minimalistic look that I prefer.

If you find a template that you like, Canvacomes at a fair price. Many of thetemplates can be made and downloaded for free.For some of the better templates, it’s going to cost you a few bucksplus a month of a subscription. Buildinga menu for under $20 would not be an issue with Canva.

One thing I love about Canva is its Print Service. I have used them before to have posters printed for events, and I have been very impressed with the ease of ordering, print quality, and turnaround time.

Canva’s design software is intuitive and quickly learned, but not as easy to use as iMenuPro. Unless you are experienced with Canva, expect a short learning curve that you go through as you design your menu.

If you do find a template that you like in Canva and have thetime or experience to modify it, then, by all means, go for it. As a subscriber, I highly recommend them as acompany; I simply feel that there are better options for building a menu.

Interface3 / 5
Design Options3 / 5
Learning Curve / Ease of Use3 / 5
Download & Print Services4 / 5
Price5 / 5
Final Rating3.6 / 5

Adobe Spark

Adobe, the company behind software giants such as Photoshop and Premier, tout Adobe Spark as the perfect program for designing a menu from scratch. They even claim it to be easy for a beginner. As somebody who is not artistic at all, I am highly doubtful of their claim that anyone can make the menu with ease. Adobe’s other digital products are known for their high quality and flexibility, but they are not known for their quick learning curve.

That said, there are some significantadvantages to having a 100% uniquely designed menu. You can design your menu sothat it complements your brand as well as your food and your decor. A completely custom menu will also help yourestablishment stand out from the competition. By building from scratch, youdon’t run the risk of it looking generic.

It should be noted that Adobe also has menutemplates available. Before going through the process of building a design fromscratch, take a look through the templates and see if there’s anything thatcatches your eye.

If you are dead set on having a menu that is100% unique or if you just can’t find a template that matches the vision youhave in mind for your menu, then Adobe spark is the best tool to help youdesign your menu from scratch.

Considering the amount of work that goes intoopening a new restaurant, taking the time to design a menu from scratchgraphically is probably not a wise use of resources. Take advantage of one ofthe templates here in Adobe spark if you didn’t like any of the ones that Italked about earlier.

Interface4 / 5
Design Options5 / 5
Learning Curve / Ease of Use1 / 5
Download & Print Services2 / 5
Price5 / 5
Final Rating3.4 / 5

Outsourcing Menu Design

If you can fit it in the budget or you just don’t like the way the templates are turning out for you using the suggested programs above, then consider hiring a professional menu design company. This is not going to be a cheap option menu, but if you want the best, sometimes you have to pay for it.

Smart Menu Designer is my recommendation for professional menu design. They have a turnaround time within one week and do the printing for you as well.

They offer a variety of pricing optionsranging from $69 up to $599 based on size and options. They even provide a money-back guarantee. Ihave personally never used Smart Menu Design, but I have talked to others whohave, and they are happy with the results.

Menu Display Options

After designing and printing your menu, it’s time to figure out how you want to present it to the customer. This is dependent on the type of restaurant you’re running and your personal preferences. For example, if you’re running a pizza restaurant, a trifold carryout menu and menu boards are a great way to present your menu to customers. If you are full service, regardless of where you fall in the range of hole in the wall diner to a high-end fine-dining restaurant, you’re going to want to have some sort of menu cover.

Here is my top pick for menu covers that are professional, high quality, and features a customizable cover.

3 Page Tri-Fold Menu Cover (8.5″ x 11″) $36.99 (Each)

4 Page Menu Cover (8.5″ x 11″) $26.49 (Each)

4 Page Menu Cover (8.5″ x 14″) $28.99 (Each)

6 Page Menu Cover (8.5″ x 11″) $46.49 (Each)

6 Page Menu Cover (8.5″ x 14″) $48.49 (Each)

3 Page Slim Beverage or Dessert Menu Cover $27.99 (Each)

Plastic Sheet Protectors (Size Dependant) $19.59 (50 Pack)

These menu covers will set your restaurant apart from the competition by having your branding on them. They are not a cheap investment, but since they are covers, they should last you for many years.

If that price is too high or you just don’t care to have them customized, then I sourced some other options for you at three different price ranges: economy, mid-tier, and luxury. All three of these are more than acceptable, depending on the type of restaurant you are running. Remember, they won’t have any custom branding outside of what’s printed on your menu itself.


The generic clear menu holder that you seelisted below is the one you usually see in lower end family dining restaurants.This is more than acceptable if that’s the price point of your food.

If you want to step it up a notch and you only have a one-page menu or if you have a high-end menu and you’re trying to shoestring the opening on a budget, consider using the wood menu holders. The only downside here is that it’s a single page, but it does have a level of elegance to it, even if it is not real wood.

Generic Clear Menu Cover $4.39 (Each)

Single Page Wood Color Menu Holder $4.99 (Each)

Middle of the Road

These menu covers are made of faux leather arequite adorable. Unfortunately, the front cover of all of these will not haveany of your brandings and instead just saying “menu.” If that is okaywith you, I think you’ll enjoy these options.

Two Page Black Leather (Non-Customizable) $14.79 (Each)

Two Page Brown Leather (Non-Customizable) $21.99 (Each)


If you have it in the budget to pay for ahigh-end menu, then I highly recommend you go with one of the custom optionsabove. But, if you’re in a rush and don’t have time to wait for a custom menuto be made, this menu cover that only holds two pages is a great alternative.

Two Page Cork Menu Holder (Non-Customizable) $29.95 (Each)

Common Menu Design Mistakes

Even if you use one of the beautiful looking menu templates in the above programs, you still run the risk of committing a design mistake in the menu. Here are eight things to be sure to avoid as you put your menu together.

Mistake #1: Haphazard Layout

Your menu should be laid out logically by meal. Don’t have a menu that starts with desserts than in the middle has appetizers or even beverages only to end with entrees. On the other hand, don’t start with entrees thinking that, since they are your most profitable menu items, you should list them first. Lay your menu out logically in the order in which the customers are going to want to order their food.

DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (3)

Start your menu with appetizers. That way, they can get them ordered whenthey’re hungry and want to get something in the kitchen right away. Next, listthe entrees and end it with desserts. Beverages are the only thing that shouldbe put in a non-logical spot (the end) since they often have their menu.

Mistake #2: Misuse of Photos

Be very careful when using photos. Generally,customers correlate an abundance of pictures with a lower qualityrestaurant. As the number of images perpage goes up, the perception of the restaurant goes down. This is why you don’t see very manyfine-dining restaurants with menus plastered in pictures.

Always use pictures sparingly. As a bestpractice, one per page is more than enough.

Be very careful with the quality of the photos you select. Unless you have some skills and the equipment to take professional quality photos, hire somebody to do it for you. Using poor quality photos or, even worse, stock photos will make your menu appear unprofessional at best and at worst, give your customers unrealistic expectations due to false representation.

Mistake #3: Drawing Too Much Attention to Price

Prices are important to customers, sometimesso important that they don’t focus on looking at the menu and instead choose adish that is the best price as opposed to what they want. Drawing too much attention to price only makesthis worse.

One common mistake I often see is the use ofperiods to line up a column of prices. By having your prices laid out in thisway, your customer’s attention is drawn to them and subliminally encouragesthem to order a cheaper menu item.

Additionally, consider writing out the word ofthe price rather than using numbers. Include it in the description using thesame typeface. You want to be clear about your prices, but you also don’t wantto draw unnecessary attention.

Mistake #4: Getting too Cute withTypography

Be very careful you don’t get too cute with your choice of font or color. There’s a fine line between fancy and unprofessional. Your menu should have the same font throughout or the same combination of fonts. Consistency is crucial in design.

DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (4)

You also want to be careful with color. Whenyou start using multiple font colors and typefaces, you run the risk of yourmenu, looking more like a ransom note than an actual menu.

Mistake #5: Failure to Spell Check

Considering the spelling errors that occasionally get published on this website, I feel like I am throwing rocks at glass houses saying this, but be sure to have your menu proofread and repeatedly spellchecked before sending it to print.

There is nothing more painful than having tostomach throwing out $500 worth of menus because you spelled the wordmozzarella wrong.

Invest some money into having your Lawyer proofread your menu as well. They can go through and access if there is any wording or misrepresentation within your menu that could potentially lead to someone filing suit against you. This is probably an unnecessary step, but I tend to be risk-averse in business, and I highly recommend the same.

Mistake #6: Using Colors that Clash

Here I am again throwing rocks at glasshouses.I feel like I literally just figured out how to dress in matching clothingwithout consulting my wife, but here I am, about to preach the use of matchingcolors.

DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (5)

The colors of your menu need to be selected carefully to balance the color palette. You don’t want to use colors that clash with each other. Use this color palette tool to help confirm that your color palette looks good. If you feel like the colors are off in any way, they probably are.

Mistake #7: Compromising on PrintQuality

Getting menus and other marketing materials printedis not cheap. It’s tempting to use a print shop that’s offering a price that istoo good to be true. Don’t take the risk. This is one of those things where itmakes sense to pay for quality.

The quality of your menus and marketingmaterial says a lot to your customers about the quality of your restaurant andthe legitimacy of your business.

Mistake #8: Too Much Noise

Justlike clothes, graphic design has elements that go in and out of style. Rightnow, the style leans towards minimalism. Don’t stuff your menus with too manypictures, words, graphics boxes, or anything else that makes it look cluttered.You want your menu to appear clean, neat, and concise.

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DIY Restaurant Menu Design: The Complete Guide | Restaurant Ninjas (2025)


How do you make a restaurant menu from scratch in 10 steps? ›

How to Make a Restaurant Menu
  1. Write Out all Menu Items. Before you dive into design, you have to learn to write a restaurant menu. ...
  2. Categorize Menu Items. ...
  3. Set Menu Prices. ...
  4. Create Menu Descriptions. ...
  5. Decide on a Menu Color Scheme. ...
  6. Design Your Restaurant Menu. ...
  7. Restaurant Menu Photos. ...
  8. Choose Menu Fonts, Spacing, and Composition.

How to make a good menu for a restaurant? ›

  1. Step 1: Keep it short and sweet. ...
  2. Step 2: Divide and conquer into categories. ...
  3. Step 3: Price your menu items for profit. ...
  4. Step 4: Make your dishes pop with mouth-watering pictures. ...
  5. Step 5: Persuade clients to order with menu descriptions. ...
  6. Step 6: Add allergen information. ...
  7. Step 7: Go a step further with nutritional information.
Jul 4, 2023

How to craft a restaurant menu? ›

9 Steps to Crafting the Best Restaurant Menu Design
  1. Defining the Essence.
  2. Cater To Your Clientele.
  3. Keep Your Menu Short and Neat.
  4. Write Out All Menu Items.
  5. Curate Your Menu Display.
  6. Set Menu Prices Wisely.
  7. Craft Enticing Descriptions.
  8. Select a Menu Color Palette.

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Building a Restaurant Menu
  • Step 1: Build a List (By Category) This is where all menus need to start - before you can set pricing and build a pretty menu, you need to have menu items. ...
  • Step 2: Establish Priority. Next is setting your priority, as we mentioned above. ...
  • Step 3: Set Your Prices. ...
  • Step 4: Design. ...
  • Step 5: Proofread.

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How to Create a Restaurant Menu in 8 Steps
  1. Define Your Restaurant's Concept.
  2. Design Your Menu Layout.
  3. Select Your Menu Items.
  4. Write Enticing Descriptions.
  5. Price Your Menu Items.
  6. Conduct a Trial Run of Your Menu.
  7. Promote Your Menu.
  8. Update and Refine Your Menu.
Jul 30, 2024

How do you simplify a restaurant menu? ›

The best way to simplify your menu is by creating several dishes that are made up of the same ingredients but presented in different ways. You'll find that by doing so, your restaurant will reap the benefits of a limited menu in a variety of ways.

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Here are five indispensable tips to ensure your restaurant menu is both appealing and effective.
  • Understand your target audience. Before you even begin crafting the dishes and writing descriptions, you need to understand who your audience is. ...
  • Simplify choices. ...
  • Optimize for profitability. ...
  • Design with care. ...
  • Update regularly.
Sep 22, 2023

What type of menu do most restaurants use? ›

The five types of menus most commonly used are a la carte menus, static menus, du jour menus, cycle menus, and fixed menus.

What is a restaurant menu design? ›

A menu design is the layout you use to create your restaurant's menu. Elements like food item descriptions, pictures, fonts and color schemes all make up your overall menu design. An effective menu design contains plenty of white space, brief and informative descriptions and appropriate meal pricing.

How do you plan a new restaurant menu? ›

Planning your menu requires three steps:
  1. List out all of your menu items, including descriptions of each item.
  2. Categorize your items into different areas, like appetizers, entrees, or seafood.
  3. Set prices for each item.

How should a menu be organized? ›

A well-organized menu will make it easier for guests to decide what they want. Divide it into logical sections, such as appetizers, entrees, beverages, desserts, and the like. Keep the section titles unassuming and straight to the point.

How do you design your menu in format? ›

How do you design and format your menus to make them clear, appealing, and informative?
  1. Know your audience. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Choose your layout. ...
  3. Use typography and color. ...
  4. Write compelling descriptions. ...
  5. Apply menu psychology. ...
  6. Follow the regulations. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Apr 9, 2023

What is a menu format? ›

Menu formats are the visual and functional aspects of how you present your food and beverage offerings to your customers. They can have a significant impact on your sales, costs, customer satisfaction, and brand identity.

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MENU SEQUENCE - Food and Beverage Service Training #2
  • Bread Service: A pre-meal snack for Guests.
  • Amuse-Bouche: A taster that can be eaten in a bite or two.
  • Starter Course: A light meal, like a salad or soup.
  • Entrée Course: Served before the main course. ...
  • Main Course: ...
  • Palette Cleanser: ...
  • Cheese Course: ...
  • Dessert Course:

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.